
2003Chan Info


Welcome to 2003chan! This FAQ will provide you with all the information you need to navigate and participate in our imageboard community. Whether you're a seasoned user or a newcomer, we hope this guide helps enhance your experience on 2003chan.

1. What is 2003chan?

2003chan is an imageboard website inspired by the early imageboard culture of the early 2000s. And to create and revivie that culture into neocities.

2. Can I suggest new boards or features?

Certainly! The administrators of 2003chan are open to suggestions and feedback. You can contact them through the provided contact information on the website or participate in designated feedback threads on the boards. ALL THESE SUGGESTIONS WILL BE SUBMITED TO /meta/

3. Can I post Images?

Yes, posting images is one of the main features of 2003chan. To post an image, click on the "New Thread" button on the board you want to post in. You will be prompted to upload an image from your device. Please keep in mind that all images must adhere to our rules and guidelines. But other boards are textboards which images are not to be posted.

Rules Of Posting

1. No NSFW Content: Posting or sharing explicit adult content, including pornography, nudity, or sexually explicit material, is strictly prohibited. This rule applies to both images and text-based content.

2. Stay on Topic: When posting in specific boards, try to stay on topic and contribute to the ongoing discussions. If you wish to start a new topic, create a separate thread or find the most relevant board for your discussion.

3. No Doxxing or Personal Information: Do not post or share personal information of any individual without their consent. This includes but is not limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, or any other private details.

4. Mods can take down or ban anypost they want.

From the Admin